做基督徒就得恨自己的家人吗? 问: 耶稣不是说,如果你不恨你的父母,不恨你的兄弟姐妹,不恨你的 亲人朋友,你不能成为基督徒吗? 以琳答: 耶稣曾说过“爱人如己”是两条最大的戒命之一。上面提到的经文 原文是说“作耶稣的门徒”,而不是“成为基督徒”。这两者并不 完全是一回事。希腊原文虽然是“恨”,但其意的确如中文翻译那 样是“爱我胜过爱”的意思。背十字架跟随主作主的门徒的确不是 一件简单的事情,因为需要付出自己生命的代价(参见太十六25 等经文)。 “恨”的希腊原文是miseo, 下面是"Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words" 对miseo的解释: "to hate," is used especially (a) of malicious and unjustifiable feelings towards others, whether towards the innocent or by mutual animosity, e.g., Matt. 10:22; 24:10; Luke 6:22,27; 19:14; John 3:20, of "hating" the light (metaphorically); John 7:7; 15:18,19,23-25; Titus 3:3; 1 John 2:9,11; 3:13, 15; 4:20; Rev. 18:2, where "hateful" translates the perfect participle Passive Voice of the verb, lit., "hated," or "having been hated;" (b) of a right feeling of aversion from what is evil; said of wrongdoing, Rom. 7:15; iniquity, Heb. 1:9; "the garment (figurative) spotted by the flesh," Jude 1:23; "the works of the Nicolaitans," Rev. 2:6 (and ver. 15, in some mss.; see the (av)); (c) of relative preference for one thing over another, by way of expressing either aversion from, or disregard for, the claims of one person or thing relatively to those of another, Matt. 6:24; and Luke 16:13, as to the impossibility of serving two masters; Luke 14:26, as to the claims of parents relatively to those of Christ; John 12:25, of disregard for one's life relatively to the claims of Christ; Eph. 5:29, negatively, of one's flesh, i.e. of one's own, and therefore a man's wife as one with him. 当然,只有靠圣灵的启示我们才能真正明白路加福音十四章26节的 意思。 ◇◇基督信仰FAQ(常见问题)解答◇◇ http://godoor.net/jidianlinks/faq.html